How Corporations can show leadership and help during these changing times!!!
I am proud to write and speak about the inclusion needs of my community, persons with disabilities, in all aspects of society. Climate Action and the UN Sustainable Development Goals are also part of my passion along with Tech4All, Tech4Good, and Digital Inclusion to help reduce the Digital Divide. It is critical to tie these issues together and come up with global, national, and local solutions to take care of our planet, humans, and all inhabitants of the earth.
The community of persons with disabilities is my community. I am an individual diagnosed with ADHD, and someone that sometimes struggles to manage my anxiety and depression, especially during these intense times. Additionally, I have family members that have disabilities. My daughter was born with Down syndrome and my husband has aged into a disability. He was diagnosed a few years ago with Early Onset Dementia after being hit by a car as a child and acquiring a major traumatic brain injury (TBI). Other family members have disabilities including a talented nephew with Autism and my great grandmother who had epilepsy and died when she had a seizure and fell into the fireplace.

It is important to note that as we age many of us will acquire disabilities along our life path. There are 70+ million Americans over the age of 56 called Baby Boomers. Many other baby boomers will join my husband and age into disability. According to the AARP, over the age of 65, 46% of Americans have disabilities that impact their daily lives. Sadly, when older persons acquire disabilities they do not have access to the same support services and systems as younger people that are born with or acquire disabilities. Leading to major family impacts, financial constraints, disruptions, loneliness, and increasingly high suicide rates. “Boomer Generation; from about 14 percent in the year 2000 to about 19 percent in 2013. Baby boomers rose to 37.5% of all suicides in 2010. That is now the highest suicide rate of any existing age bracket.” [1]
The community of persons with disabilities and people aging into disabilities are negatively impacted when a website, phone app, training course, service, product, and other technology is not accessible. Same goes for the built environment – if we build homes, restaurants, shopping centers, offices, government buildings, and other buildings that are not accessible – society loses. Often, persons with disabilities are not meaningfully included in education and the workforce. Add climate change to these factors and we have the perfect storm. Disenfranchised people are more susceptible to climate change problems.
Society must address these issues and one way is
to forward to the implementation of the United Nations (UN) Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs). These 17 global goals are essential to move humanity

Here are the ‘17’ sustainable development goals (SDGs) to transform our world:
GOAL 3: Good Health and Well-being
GOAL 6: Clean Water and Sanitation
GOAL 7: Affordable and Clean Energy
GOAL 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
GOAL 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
GOAL 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
GOAL 12: Responsible Consumption and Production
GOAL 16: Peace and Justice Strong Institutions
GOAL 17: Partnerships to achieve the Goal [1]
Climate Action is addressed in many of the SDG goals including Goal #13 Climate Action. Also, inclusion of persons with disabilities and other disenfranchised communities are heavily impacted by the goals. Inclusion of persons with disabilities with the 17 SDGs are addressed in 11 of the goals. So, how can we not talk about SDGs when exploring how we treat humans with disabilities and climate action? All of these items are integral to the way forward for all the inhabitants of the earth.
At Ruh Global IMPACT we work with multi-national, corporate brands that are trying to have a bigger more positive impact on our planet, people, and other inhabitants of the world. In the past, we have turned to government to solve societal problems. Today, corporate brands must play a much larger role in creating greater change in society.
There are also growing expectations that brands have diverse workforces that include persons with disabilities. The workforce is changing and so are employee values, thus, keeping employees satisfied has never been more important. Workers expect their employers to align business goals with positive social impact as part of their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), which should align with an impact agenda dedicated to the mission of the brand. The Nielsen June 2014 report “Doing Well by Doing Good”[2] showed that 67% of millennials want to work for a socially responsible brand.
Societal expectations for businesses to support the communities where they do business are on the rise and inclusion of disenfranchised members of the societies is part of those expectations. We have seen those expectations in our religious and spiritual communities as illustrated in the Dali Lama’s observation, “Technology that is available to us today should be utilized across the globe. But ultimately the solution lies within compassion. If we have compassion for the planet and compassion for everybody that inhabits it, we will do the right thing.” Now we are seeing those expectations reach the marketplace, which opens up new opportunities for you to appeal to and attract an expanded customer base.
It will take every single one of us to change the world and support Climate Action, Inclusion, and the advancement of the world. Hoping you will join me.
[2] Global Corporate Social Responsibility Report – June 2014.pdf