Emili Aregak Center is currently running a new psychosocial support program for families of war victims. The program was inspired by a tragedy – the death of the father of one of our children in the recent war. Donors interested in giving can do so here through our general donation page: https://caritas.am/donate-emili-aregak/
en.emiliaregak.am @emili_aregak on Instagram
@emiliaregak on Facebook
Aregak Bakery is currently raising money for the #OurDailyBread campaign. Donors can donate money to “buy” bread from our bakery, which we will provide free of charge to people in need, including the elderly, vulnerable, families of children with disabilities and those in financial straits due to COVID-19. https://aregakbakeryandcafe.weebly.com/blog/autumn-updates-from-ourdailybread @aregakbakery on Instagram, Facebook
This episode was recorded live on Facebook, captioned and streamed on facebook www.facebook.com/debraruh or in the embedded version below.